Unrivaled Shrimp Healthcare Products Range from BMR

Unrivaled Shrimp Healthcare Products Range from BMR

In line with its legacy of introducing quality products into the market, BMR has launched its own range of shrimp healthcare products (HCPs) in June 2018.

Developed in technological partnership with Jianyuan, China, the BMR HCPs stand for quality and performance. Currently, there are seven different healthcare products that address the various issues of pond quality and shrimp health. Made from herbal sources and extracts, the BMR HCPs come with zero side effects and help farmers in reaping successful harvests.

Our brands

BMR’s Minwa®


BMR MINWA is a unique combination of Macro and Micro minerals that helps the farmer to maintain balanced water quality, while promoting successful shrimp culture. It protects the animal shell and improves hardness. It helps in diatom growth and water quality developments that is useful for the culture.

Composition:  Ca, Mg, K, P, Al and Sr.

Package Quantity: 10kg

Nature of product: Powder

Doses for the density 40 Pcs/sqm, Water Spread Area 1 acre at 1 meter water depth. Water Application per acre ( 4000 m2) : 10kg

Frequency :

Once in 1o days.
Protocol    Mix with water and spray directly into the pond.

1.Stablizes alkalinity and microalgae bloom in water.
2.lmproves shell formation and moulting of animal.
3.Raises the growth kinetics of the good microbial concentrations.
Precautions :
Avoid using the acidic products at the same time.

BMR’s Miracle®


BMR MIRACLE is a highly potent and unique water probiotic which takes care of all water quality related problems in the pond. The probiotic strains and micro elements will help in reducing harmful gases and improving overall ecosystem for the P.vannamei shrimp.

Composition : Probiotic Strains (2.5 – 3.0 billion cfu/g) with Trace-elements blend.

Package Quantity: 2kg and 5kg

Nature of product: Powder

Doses for the density 40 Pcs/sqm,

Water Spread Area 1 acre at 1 meter water depth. Water Application per acre ( 4000 m2) : 2kg

Frequency : Once in 7 days

Protocol    Mix well with water and spray directly into the pond.

1.Water and Soil Probiotics helps to maintain quality water color.
2.Trace elements for animal metabolism and healthier energy assimilation.
Precautions :

1.Store in a dry and well-ventilated place.
2.Avoid exposure to direct sunlight.

BMR’s Bio Pro-Enhac®


Bio Pro-Enhac a unique fermented feed from BMR Bio Pro-Enhac contains Probiotics with Enzymes which are beneficial to the development of shrimp. Bio Pro-Enhac, as the name indicates, enhances the immunity and overall health of the shrimp.

Composition : Probiotic Strains with Enzymes blend

Package Quantity:  5kg

Nature of product: Powder

Doses for the density 40 Pcs/sqm,
Water Spread Area 1 acre at 1 meter water depth.
Feed Applications g/kg feed  : 50, 75 and 100g/kg for 1st, 2nd and 3rd month respectively
Frequency : Once in 10 days.

Protocol :1. Mix Bio-Pro Enhac is advocated per kg of pellet feed by
using water and closed bag should be kept in dark place for an hour then fed to animals.

  1. For water application mix with water and spray directly into the pond.


1.lmproves early stage development and intensifies activity of animal.
2.Special fermented flavour helps increase feed intake and reduces stress period.
3.Works as a pre-biotic, develops rich diatoms and helps in maintain Low FCR.
Precautions :

1.Store in a dry and well-ventilated place.
2.Keep away from rodents and cockroaches.

BMR’s Tachotej®


Tachotej is aqua farmer’s best friend when it comes to improving shrimp immunity. It helps the shrimp to maintain immunity to dominate the threats from other living creatures in the pond. BMR Tachotej improves the animal appetite for increased feed intake. It also helps the shrimp in stress management.
Composition : Taurin, Chlorella and Chitosan

Package Quantity: o.5kg

Nature of product: Powder
Doses for the density 40 Pcs/sqm,
Water Spread Area 1 acre at 1 meter water depth. Feed Applications ml/kg feed     : 15g
Frequency: 3 days a week with two meals per day
Protocol : Mix with feed by spraying fresh water or binder gel and use after 15 minutes once dried under shade


1. Improves appetite of the animal for feed utilization

  1. Provides suffucient immunity for optimum shrimp health.

Precautions : 1. Keep away from moisture.

  1. Once opened, use the contents in the bag within one month.



BMR VITAL C is a powerful antioxidant and immunomodulator for fishes/ shrimps. It regulates the moult phase and helps in quick formation of exoskeleton in shrimps.
Composition : L-Ascorbic acid Mono and Polyphosphate equivalent to L-Ascorbic acid 35%.

Package Quantity:  0.5 kg

Nature of product: Powder
Doses for the density 40 Pcs/sqm,
Water Spread Area 1 acre at 1 meter water depth. Feed Applications g/kg feed     : 5g
Frequency : Daily one dose recommended.
Protocol : Use natural binder gel and mix thoroughly until dissolve the feed mix and allow for shade dry about 20 minutes before feeding.
Benefits    1.Essential dietary feed supplement enhances the resistance.
2.Accelerates growth and ensures the higher survival rate.
Precautions : 1.Avoid exposure to direct sunlight.

BMR’s Gipsa Plus®


Gipsa Plus is the trustworthy preventive medicine for preventing white faeces in shrimp and maintaining gut health. It helps the aqua farmers towards effective feed utilization even during the white faeces stage.

Composition : Astragalus Polysaccharide, lsatis root and Peptides

Package Quantity: 250ml & 1000m

Nature of product: Liquid

Doses for the density 40 Pcs/sqm,
Water Spread Area 1 acre at 1 meter water depth. Feed Applications ml/kg feed :  10ml
Water Application per acre ( 4000 m2) : 1000ml
Frequency : 7 days once for water application. Feed mix 10 ml per kg for two meals, continue to apply for 4 days in a week

Protocol :

1.Water application: Mix with water and spray into the pond.


2.Feed mixing: Gipsa plus applied on feed pellets by using binder gel, shade dried and broadcast.

Benefits :
1.Prevents and controls white faeces.
2.Promotes effective digestion and improves feed intake.

Precautions :
1.Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
2.Keep away from moisture.

BMR’s Biota Plus


BMR Biota Plus has strong oxidizing ability and can remove toxins like Hydrogen Sulfide released during decomposition of residual feed and faeces. Once added in the pond, Biota Plus is fast in releasing oxidizing substances into the water. It helps in reducing / eliminating vibrio and other harmful bacteria in the water.

Composition : Compound Potassium bisulphate, Magnesium Stearate, Sodium Sulfate, Solid organic acid and Surfactant

Package Quantity:  0.5 kg

Nature of product: Powder

Doses for the density 40 Pcs/sqm,

Water Spread Area 1 acre at 1 meter water depth. Water Application per acre ( 4000 m2) : 0.5kg

Frequency : Once in 7 days after 30 DOC Protocol   Directly splash into the pond

Benefits :
1.Controls Bacterial loads, supports in removing Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate and Sulfur Dioxide gas.
2.Oxidizes organic carbon, excess feed and faecal matters.
Precautions : 1.After using the product do not apply any other probiotic and water fertilizer to the pond for 24 hours.



BACTO CLEAN is your solution to resistant bottom pathogenic microbes. Bacto Clean acts like an explosive and bombards the biofilm created by the microbes, thus reducing the pathogen activity. It rapidly oxidizes the bottom sludge by degrading the toxins and improve the water quality.

Composition : Tetrakis Hydroxymethyl Phosphonium Sulfate, Calcium Carbonate etc.

Package Quantity: 250ml & 1000m

Nature of product: Granules

Doses for the density 40 Pcs/sqm,

Water Spread Area 1 acre at 1 meter water depth. Water Application per acre ( 4000 m2) : 1kg Frequency : Once in 7 days after 30 DOC.

Protocol    Directly splash into the pond.

Benefits    1.Rapid oxidation mechanism on toxic bottom sludge and helps bacteria through cell wall degradation.
2.Helps in reducing water turbidity Viscosity,Odour and foam, thus improving water quality.
*Note: Algae crash occurs and DO tablets suggested.
Precautions : Store in a cool.dry and ventilated place.



OXY-GEN Sodium Percarbonate (SPC) is a chemical substance with formula Na2H3CO6. It is an adduct of sodium carbonate and hydrogen peroxide. It is a colorless, crystalline, hygroscopic and water-soluble solid. It usually comes in the form of Granules. SPC is used in Aquaculture production systems (Fish/Shellfish farms) as a water disinfectant. Since SPC decomposes in water into H202. Na+ and COt is also referred to as emergency oxygen powder.

Package Quantity:  5 kg

Nature of product: Granules

Doage        : To maintain good oxygen level: 1kg/acre
To resolving the shortage of DO : 2kg/acre
Frequency : Once in 7 days after 30 DOC.
Protocol : Directly splash into the pond.

Benefits :

  1. Dissolves in moderate mode to give stable discharge of oxygen in the solution for long action.
  2. Anti-parasitic effects and sanitizing properties controls the unwanted algal growth.
  3. Maintains optimum oxygen level for the better growth and higher survival rate of the shrimp.
  4. Supplementation of oxygen improves the water quality
  5. Effectively supports elimination of bacteria and ease moulting of the shrimp shell.

Precautions : Keep in a cool dry place, away from direct sunlight



GUT GUARD protects the digestive system of the cultured shrimp. It improves feed intake and digestion in the gut. Gut Guard also helps the hepatopancreas swelling as well white gut of cultured shrimp.
Composition : Liquorice extract, Taurine, Total Bile acid, Astragalus Polysaccharide.

Package Quantity: 0.5kg
Nature of product: Powder
Doses for the density 40 Pcs/sqm,

Water Spread Area 1 acre at 1 meter water depth. Water Application per acre ( 4000 m2) : 1kg Frequency : Once in 1O days.
Protocol : Use 30 litres of medium hot water to dissolve 1kg and soak for 3 hours and directly splash to the pond.


1.Heals inflamation and white Hepatopancreas problem.
2.Makes animal gut clear and without gaps.
3.Helps in promoting feed intake and digestion.
Precautions  :    Avoid using acid drugs at the same time when using this product.



BMR-ZEOLITE are microporous crystalline hydrated aluminosilicates, which have found various applications because of their very unique physicochemical characteristics such as ion exchange and adsorption-desorption properties. Significant progress has been made in recent years on applications of these inorganic adsorbents in different industries including agriculture, aquaculture.

Package Quantity:  25 kg

Nature of product: Powder
Frequency : 25-50kg per acre or as advised by Aquaculture Consultant.
Protocol Directly splash into the pond.

Benefits      1. Reduces the content of Ammonia, Nitrite, Hydrogen Sulphide,
Heavy Metals and Organic materials.

  1. Increases the content of oxygen and minimize
  2. Source of silica helps diatom blooms ensures the natural live food for shrimp.
  3. Stabilize the water pH and remove heavy metals with high efficiency at low cost.
  4. Remove hydrogen sulphide and carbon

Precautions : Store in a cool,dry and ventilated place.



BMR T-SEED powder is the residue of tea seeds (also named camellia seeds) after camellia oil extraction. Tea seed powder is a natural pesticide, which is widely used for cleaning the pond and killing the snails, earthworm, clam, tadpole and other pests. It can accelerate the growth of algal according to decompose organic fertilizer.
Composition : Extracted from the seeds of Camellia plant family. It contains the Active Ingredients of Saponin (17%) in the Coarse Powder Form.

Package Quantity: 20kg

Nature of product: Coarse Powder
Frequency : Fill water with 30 cm depth then apply 100 kg/acre and wait for 3 days to hatch out eggs.
During culture : Reduce 20% water level and apply 50kg/acre then top-up the same level of water in next 3 hr.
(As advised by Aquaculture Consultant)

Benefits    1. Camellia O/iefera is extensively used in aquaculture.

  1. Natural organic fertilizer improves soil trace
  2. Promote the growth of
  3. Get rid and enhance the resistibility of the pests and
  4. Saponin is easily soluble in alkaline water.
  5. Addition of lime water use gives a better
  6. More economical than

Precautions : Keep in cool dry place, away from direct sunlight